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Organisational chart

An organisational chart, also known as an org chart or organisational structure, is a visual representation of the hierarchical relationships and structure within an organisation. It depicts how various positions, departments, and individuals are organised and connected to each other.

What is the most common layout of the Organisational chart?

The chart typically uses a hierarchical layout, with the highest-ranking position or the organisation’s top leadership at the top and the lower-level positions or departments arranged below. Each position or department is represented by a box or a shape, and lines or connecting arrows indicate the reporting relationships and lines of authority.

Organisational charts can vary in complexity and design, depending on the organisation’s size and structure. They may include additional information such as job titles, names of individuals holding specific positions, and sometimes even contact details. In some cases, different types of organisational charts are used to illustrate specific aspects, such as functional or divisional structures, matrix organisations, or project-based teams.

Why is an Organisational chart important?

An organisational chart provides a clear overview of the different roles and responsibilities within an organisation, showcasing the chain of command, decision-making processes, and communication channels. It helps employees understand where they fit within the larger structure and how their roles align with others. 

Organisational charts are commonly used in businesses, government agencies, non-profit organisations, educational institutions, and other large entities.

Overall, organisational charts serve as a visual tool for understanding the relationships, reporting lines, and structure of an organisation, facilitating effective communication, decision-making, and coordination among its members.

Choose the right HR system

There are many tools and ways to depict an organisational chart but why not to use an HR system where you already have your employees and their data? At Sloneek, you can create teams and branch them into a structure while being able to display job positions as well.

This way, you can have all the information and infrastructure in one place and conveniently manage your hybrid teams