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Satisfied Sloneek clients? Work of rescuer Terka Nosková

Frame 840

Sloneek introduces herself – Nr.4 Tereza Nosková

Terka helps new customers safely get out of the often difficult transition from paper to the digital world. He has a practice like no other. She is a real rescuer  🩸

What brought you to Sloneek?

I was looking for a new challenge and wanted to learn more about the IT world. However, I didn’t want a large corporation that I worked in before, but rather a smaller company or a startup where I could implement my experience and ideas. And so I found Sloneek on Startupjobs.

What caught your eye among the offers?

I liked how they had a graphically processed and interestingly written ad. And because he made a really good impression on me, I tried to write him back. My colleagues from Sloneek contacted me that very day. And at the first joint meeting, Milan Rataj immediately convinced me.

What are you responsible for as a Customer Success Manager?

I am in charge of taking care of our biggest clients. I play a key role in acquiring customers and developing relationships with existing clients. I deal with all things onboarding, educating customers and providing support. I monitor customer satisfaction, collect feedback from them and take all steps to retain them as a company.

What do you like about Sloneek and why are you here and not somewhere else?

I am enjoying creating our new department. Set up processes and determine how client care should work across departments. I’ve been at Sloneek for six months, but it feels like I’ve been here much longer. My colleagues and I have excellent relations, and the company suited me both personally and professionally.

In addition to being able to show off my skills, I have a lot of pros around me across different departments to learn from. No one is in any position just because of merit or patronage (as is the case in some cases with large companies), but because they are simply really good and know what they are doing.

You worked in Greece for several years. Are the Czech and Greek work environments different?

Of all the countries where I worked, Greece was my longest work station. The difference is striking. Especially if you work in tourism and resorts. In the summer, you can forget about working hours from 9 to 5. The same goes for the employer-employee relationship we have here in the Czech Republic. A directive style of behavior, i.e. shouting at your person, is quite common, there are no given working hours and mistakes are not forgiven. And no one there will find it strange.

You have really rich work experience. Do you boast of any interesting work experience?

Apart from the fact that in America, on my way to see a client, I wandered into the staff parking lot at the Pentagon, from where the police then had to escort me out, I probably don’t have anything. But for example, as part of my past work, I was looking for a pair of Pomeranians (note the dog breed) for a high-ranking SAU representative, which he could bring from the Czech Republic to the Arabian Peninsula together with several breeding pigeons.

Anyway, thanks to working abroad, you get to know different cultures and learn that you have to deal with everyone a little differently. He knows how people think and work elsewhere, and such experiences are priceless.

What do you do in your free time? I hear you are studying – do you have any free time at all?

Not really. 😊 A large part of my time is taken up by studying paramedics. In addition, as part of my internship, I drive the Prague ambulance and am in the emergency room at a university hospital. I also take care of my two rescue dogs. And of course I have to devote some free time to my family. But now, for example, we all started going to the wall and climbing the boulder.

So are you going to start a career as a paramedic in the future?

No, I’m happy at Sloneek. I would love to do both. The ambulance service is relaxing for me. While working there, I relax and realize that there are far more important things in the world than what we all deal with every day at work. But we’ll see how it goes in the future.