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E-learning, also known as electronic learning or online learning, refers to the use of digital technologies and the internet to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and skills. It involves the delivery of educational content through electronic media such as computers, smartphones, tablets, or other digital devices. E-learning can take various forms, including online courses, virtual classrooms, educational websites, video lectures, interactive modules, and more.

Why is e-learning so important?

E-learning holds significant importance in today’s rapidly evolving educational and professional landscape. It has revolutionized education and training by offering accessibility, flexibility, personalization, or cost efficiency. It also empowers individuals to engage in lifelong learning, adapt to changing demands, and enhance their personal and professional growth in a rapidly evolving world.

When it comes to performance, e-learning can have a significant impact on both individual learners and organizations. The use of skill assessments, evaluation questionnaires and methods such as OKR or KPI can give you enough data on the areas where your people could improve to further increase your company’s productivity and profit.

How to choose the right e-learning to boost performance?

When it comes to choosing the best e-learning options for your employees based on OKR data, you can follow these steps:

1. Define key results: Begin by identifying the key results that align with the desired performance outcomes. These key results should be measurable and specific, reflecting the skills, knowledge, or competencies that need improvement or development. Look how to set them up in this Sloneek’s guide.

2. Evaluate performance data: Collect and analyze the performance data associated with each employee’s key results. This data can come from various sources, such as performance reviews, skill assessments, feedback from managers or peers, or any other relevant metrics.

3. Identify learning needs: Based on the performance data, identify the specific areas where employees may require additional knowledge or skills to achieve their key results. Look for patterns or common areas of improvement that can guide your decision-making process.

4. Research E-Learning solutions: Explore different e-learning platforms, courses, or resources that address the identified learning needs. Consider factors such as the quality of the content, instructional design, interactivity, user reviews, accreditation or certifications, and the availability of support or mentoring.

5. Align with objectives: Ensure that the selected e-learning options align with the overall objectives and key results of the organization and individual employees. The chosen e-learning should contribute directly to the improvement of the specific skills or knowledge areas identified in the OKR evaluation.

6. Iterate and improve: Based on the feedback and assessment results, refine and improve the e-learning options as necessary. Continuous evaluation and iteration are essential to ensure that the chosen e-learning solutions are effective in addressing the identified learning needs and enhancing employee performance.


It’s also a good idea to consider learning styles and preferences of your team. Some may prefer video-based courses, while others may benefit more from interactive modules or online discussions. Align the chosen e-learning options with individual learning preferences to maximize engagement and effectiveness.

By leveraging the data obtained from OKR evaluations, skill assessments and evaluation questionnaires, and following these steps, you can make informed decisions when selecting e-learning options that align with your employees’ learning needs and contribute to their performance improvement.

Get the right data from your HR system

In order to choose the right e-learning, first of all you need to know everything about your people related to their work, abilities and performance. Having the perfect HR system that covers these needs is a must.

At Sloneek, you can create skill sets, evaluation questionnaires and manage your performance using both OKR and KPI methods. This will give you tremendous power over your desired results and it will make it easy to choose the best e-learning programs and tools for specific employees.