Group 33959
🤖 ChatGPT artificial intelligence has arrived in HR.
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🤖 ChatGPT artificial intelligence has arrived in HR. Try it for free today!


“Thanks for the feedback!” Or also, “We’d love your feedback.” What does feedback actually mean? Whether you want to share a good or bad experience with a service or product, you are giving feedback to your counterpart.

In Sloneek we have several tools to get it. First of all, every user has access to the Trust Box, where they can anonymously leave a message about what is bothering them in the company. We also offer a mood meter that measures employee satisfaction. Last but not least, using the competency model, team managers provide feedback to their subordinates in the form of evaluations. We also like to receive feedback from you because it helps us to continuously improve the app and move it forward.

mood meterinbox

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Our experts can answer any questions, guide you through the Sloneek system and help you transform your HR into a modern all-in-one solution.

  • Top onboarding
  • Introduction of all functionalities
  • Presentation and offer tailored to your HR
  • Answer any questions
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Group 1469
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